Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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ust a quick thanks to all the comments and emails i have recieved while out in Japan .This has...
Tuesday 18th part one
An early start today found as on the motorway heading for Sekiguchi , very famous for breeding...
Last day today
First stop today was our old friend Tanaka , this breeder is becoming very famous for gin rin ...
Friday - Afternoon
Feeling that i was a bit short on good quality tosai , i was really pleased when Hoshino the k...
Thursday continued
The afternoon had me expecting to buy a lot of koi as we were off to Oofuchi , but when we got...
Today we were off to a breeder just off the main road out of Ojiya called koda . I was looking...
Tuesday - Back on the job!
Now ive had a good old moan we can get back to the good stuff . First appointment today was at...
Tuesday - Danger money !
As most of you know , im partial to a good old moan from time time to time (arnt most of us ) ...
Just to give an idea of the problems we will be having this week , here are some pictures of O...
Monday Day 3
This now being the third day in Japan , im getting real twitchy to bowl some koi , so i was ge...
Monday Continued
After lunch we visited the tosai house of Marudo , we were invited into his tatgoi house and w...
All Japan Show continued
These next photos show the sort of koi that were over looked in the major awards but would sti...
All Japan Show
Arrived yesterday in Tokyo early afternoon , but by the time we were booked into the hotel eve...
Home , safe and sound
After a 30 min taxi drive , 3 hoiur train journey , 12 hour flight , hour and a half coach jou...
Going home........
As i write this its 4.45 am and im packed and ready to go home . This was another fantastic tr...