Our next auction of the year is on Tuesday the 14th of January.
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After a 30 min taxi drive , 3 hoiur train journey , 12 hour flight , hour and a half coach journy ,another short taxi drive we all arrived home safe but very very tired . I couldnt stay awake so i had to sucombe to the early night which has led to the inevatable event of me waking at 3.30am and not being able to sleep . We still have some work to do on the website which i am about to make a start on , there are still many koi to put up , including 25 smaller nisai showa from Shintaro and Skeiguch around the 35-40cm , some of which are very attractive koi and very resonable prices . There are about another 20 other koi to put up as well . Some koi are now sold so i will mark them up over the next few hours . There are 3 more koi of ours to come out from the mudponds so we will put them on here to show thier deveoplment as soon as we recieve them from our agent , so keep a look out on the news and japan blog . There are still koi we are looking to source as you cant always get round everything in ten days so again keep a look out on here .

Provisional shipment date for the koi is Friday the 12th November .
