So many breeders............. Niigate will always be the place for me , i know there are some fantastic breeders down south ... 22/10/2010
Azukari ...............3 down , four to go! For those who know , Azukari is what is asked when a koi is wished to be left in Japan to go t... 21/10/2010
Wesnesday .......Nagashima and Marasaka. Earlier on in the week we visited Nagashima and purchased a nice sanke from Momataro bloodline... 20/10/2010
Wednesday .......Maruhiro , Hirasawa and Miyatora After lunch we visited Miyatora , his fish were fantastic , many varietys and prices were quit... 20/10/2010
Wednesday .............Oofuchi Japanese food is differant , there can be no doubting that , breakfast this morning cold scram... 20/10/2010
19th second half Torazo had harvested some more nigh grade nisai , so i still needed another one to go with a t... 19/10/2010
oops................ part one With the time differance its nice to get the blog done by 12 at night here so its all ready fo... 19/10/2010
The day just got better ............Part two There has been alot of talk about pearl gin rins , so we where very happy when we arrived at S... 18/10/2010
Oh , just a perfect day ...............Tanaka The guy who sang the song couldnt have said it better . Scrambled egg on toast with what taste... 18/10/2010
Lazy Day As our guide has sundays off , we were pleased when he offered us a chance to go to a sansai h... 17/10/2010
Masaki Right at the top of the mountain we found ourselves at Masaki , very famous for his shiros , a... 16/10/2010
Connias, Sakai, Kaneco and Otsuka A quick drive around the corner to Connias , with tanks and tanks of many varietys , this plac... 16/10/2010
First full day . First stop Torazo Today we started out at Torazo to look at the koi we saw the night before when the light was f... 16/10/2010
Nagashima Below is the Tategoi showa that im having a little think about .After returning to the hotel w... 15/10/2010
Saturday 24th This morning I awoke and laying in bed contenplating the day a head, and suddenly aware of a f... 24/10/2009
Friday 23rd World exclusive!!! === World exclusive!!! === World exclusive!!! Was it an amazing tategoi? a ... 23/10/2009
Thursday 22nd Today we started off at oofuchi looking for more unusual varietys, never disapointed we bought... 22/10/2009
Wednesday 21st Had a shock this morning when the agent handed me a list of what I had bought, im really runni... 21/10/2009
Tuesday 20th Woke up to a wet and dreary day but I wasnt going to let that get me down. Two customers wante... 20/10/2009
Monday 19th Apologise to those waiting for news or to read the blog, half way through the work I fell asle... 19/10/2009
Sun 18th Today was a busy day in Niigata, with the famous sakai auction and a show going on it was alwa... 18/10/2009
Sat 17th First stop today was Hoshikins, a very serious kohaku breeder indeed. On this ocasion we purch... 17/10/2009
Friday 16th Here we are 22 hours after setting off from home finally arriving at our hotel in Ojiya. Only ... 16/10/2009
Last Day The last day today, so a little down in the mouth it was off to hoshikins to see his beautiful... 03/11/2008