Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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As you may have seen, we have the facility to run online auctions. We are now up and running and can start very soon. If you wish to bid, you must first register for a log in code, this can be done by pressing the account button on the top right hand of the page. We will be looking to start our first auction  before Christmas, once a few more people have login facility. Please note that the run up to Christmas, is a very quiet time for the shop, most koi sales are done online or by messenger, so we may close at 3pm for a little extra family time before Christmas. So if arriving after 3pm, please call a head and we will wait for you. Below are just some of the koi that will be going through the auction over the next few weeks. There will also be larger koi and some Dainichi auction  koi we have here.


img 2290 (2) img 2535 (2) img 2565 (2) img 9410 (2) img 9439 (2) img 9448 (2)
