Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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Morning all , six more days ,and I'm on my way to Japan . Our sale is now over , and all the koi have been removed from the website . The numbering will be reset and the koi will start from number one again . Koi will be re added with the correct age , along with new ones we are already purchasing . We are virtually now sold out ,except some Matsue kohaku , and the main pond . I'd like to take this opportunity to thank every one who have supported us though the year , customers old and new ,we have had some great results at the shows this year , and I thank you for your trust in me . Thanks to our team in Japan , thanks to Mark G for his work , to Tom , we had a blast and good luck for the future , should be interesting now you can show . But the biggest thanks of all goes to Sue , my wife . My buisness partner and my best mate . You see the best and worst of me , it's been a hell of a year for us both , and a lot has been sent to try us , they say what doesn't kill you , makes you stronger , then bloody hell , we must be stronger than ever ! If this sounds like an end of year analogy , well I guess it is , not so much the end of the koi season , but the start of a new one .............
