Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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Videos links for the koi bought this morning

After leaving Yangeji we seemed to struggle to tie any breeders to an appointment as many were involved with the All Japan show . We chanced on popping into a breeder in Mushigame and had a look round the koi available , plenty of nice koi to choose from . I then pushed the agent to ask the time old question , any chance of selecting tosai ? Knowing that ive never ever known selection at this farm i was shocked when the answer came back , of course for Gary no problem !!" We were taken to a tosai house and given a price to select , i wasnt to sure at first untill i really studied the koi concerned , there were some really nice go sanke in there so i did a complete u turn in my mind and agreed , only to be told he had promised first pick to an appoinment later on that day , but he would call us as soon as they had left so we could see if the pond was still worth netting, looking forward to that call tomorrow , this is a nice breeder ( not going to say his name untill ive picked my koi for obvious reasons ! )so i hope the guy picking and me have differant requirments . From here we decided it was coffee time and within minutes found us at Maruhrio for just that , Over coffee he told us that he had bought more go sanke in from his other facility , so a quick pick over the new stocks was well in order . As the day was bright i caught up the koi and duly took my pics , not realising till later that the switch had been knocked off from manual resulting in even poorer than normal photos. 12 nisai in all were picked and the photos are in order below , some of these koi have stunning skin quality so please go and look in the nisai section and have a look if ive made any notes , thanks ! Pics in order Showa 45m and female , Gin rin kohaku 40-45cm female, Kohaku 40cm approxand female , then various smaller nisai all 30-40cm more to follow , have had to stop work as the hotel room heating has pascked up and getting very cold , part three to follow when the receptionist tells me what ive done to the remote and the room is 28 degress lol Back in a short while .....................................

link for Maruhiro koi
