Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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Today diddnt start off to well , an early appointment booked with Marudo koi farm , will have to be rescheduled due to another group turning up without letting the breeder know , the breeders dont like to say no , so as we arrived they were bowling up in the pond we wanted to go in . Shame but thats the way it goes sometimes , although frustrating it doesnt happen that often so we left and went onto Shinoda koi farm , where we were allowed to hand select tosai including hi utsuri ( one of the best tosai gin rin ones ive ever seen ) and mainly doitsu go sanke . After making a final selection and Mark taking the pics we looked around at the older koi , unfortunatey this time there was nothing for us to look at that took our fancy . From here we went back down the mountain to visit Torazo . If im honest i wasnt over enthusiastic about the visit as being the second visit this year i diddnt think he would have much for us to look at , and certianly nothing in the better grade that might fit in my budget . How wrong i was !! We started looking at the ponds and found some very nice quality male kohaku , amoung them one or to that looked very intereasting  , so four were purchased and also  two better quality females . Very pleased with these  , and once again Mark set about taking pics and we then set off for lunch .The afternoon was started at Marasaka , famous for many varietys including kujaku and doitsu metalics .This time we went through a few of the ponds but couldnt really find what we were looking for . Soon after a short drive we were back at Marusie koi farm to look for some small ogons , and a few other koi . First koi in the bowl was a 67-70cm yonsai Karashigoi and a very nice example of a nezo mukashi ogon around the same size . Alot of people have asked us to buy some small nisai yamamuki ogons , so while here we selected around 12 of these , and two three year olds both female . Plans were then made to visit another facility to select some much larger specimums of chagoi , benigoi , ogons and a few others all over 75-80cm plus later in the week .  After here we then went onto Yamazaki to finish looking over the koi were it had got to dark the night before . Although many many koi here , i couldnt find enough of what i needed so time to call it a day . Very pleased with todays buying , and some intereasting appointments hand selecting tosai from some very famous farms . Please note , if you want to buy a koi , please email or message me , i will confirm that the koi is yours and then you can  ring the shop to pay . Koi can be paid half up front and the other half before the end of the quarantine if that helps . Also note that dispite what i said on here last night as i was falling asleep on the key board , any koi now purcahsed in Japan or already in the Uk will be cared for free of charge , we do this every year at this time as the new koi wont clear quarantine untill mid April. First four pics are Shinoda hand picked tosai , next two are Torazo nisai kohaku both female nisai and 54cm , then four males from Torazo all around 50cm and again all nisai . Nezu mukashi ogon yonsai 68-70cm , Karashigoi 67-70cm and yonsai , two sansai ogons around 55cm and both female .
