Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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ust a quick thanks to all the comments and emails i have recieved while out in Japan .This has to be the best responce we have ever had for fish enquirys , ill try and answer all questions in one go on here to save answering similar emails .Fish can be purchased from us now , please email me to confirm purchase then payment can be made by card to the shop /phone . Koi can be looked after for the winter at a small charge , but please remember that we are heated so you wil end up getting a much bigger koi than you paid for !!!! Also please use this email when im in Japan gatwickkoi@hotmail.com as i cant reply using the normal one and it means cutting and pasting to the hotmail account every time i reply which takes a little extra time .Just getting up now as i cant sleep , late last night i added a few videos to the sold page , please remember that the fish will be on the website in koi for sale pages a few hours after the blog unless i fall asleep , this could be a possibility today so i apologise in advance , thanks again ..........Gary ps , website is up to date now.
