Our next auction is on Tuesday 21st, and Thursday 23rd.
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Its now Sunday , and i have had a full day to catch up on all alot of the work i had to do , so had a little time to think about the whole trip . I am already being asked , which end of the country i prefer , and to be honest , its not an easy question to answer . Niigata has alot more to offer the average koi dealer , more variteys , more breeders , and a massive variation of prices . But saying the that , the south has go sanke from some famous breeders , that fill a gap in the go sanke that i can and cant buy in Niigata . So to answer all of you , no i wont stop going to Niigata , it has been the basis of building Gatywick Koi . and will always be there and a massive part of my business . As for the south , it hasnt replaced part of my Niigata business , its is an extra arm to ever expanding and growing Gatwick Koi . I think the travelling is a killer , and its a massive down side to the visit , but of course im hooked , and will go again ! So to all of you who may worry that we are about to change , nope , not at all , we will still select the non go sanke , still have cheap nisai , but the other end of the scale will go up , its what a lot of our customers want . and of course we listen to you , for you are what Gatwick koi has become ( one of the reasons we have so much non go snake this winter ! )  So i take a bow now , and go to bed ready for my flight tomorrow , id like thank you all , this has to have been one of the most successful trips ever , record number of koi bought , and definately the most sold EVER ! A massive thanks to everyone involved , and of course to my long suffering family at home , if we are late opening Tuesday , please forgive us in advance ...................................................

