Good morning all, we are short staffed this Friday and Saturday, please do not come to the shop to collect koi, unless you know they are in the shop, other wise open as normal. Momotaro male nisai going on the website asap. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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I'd like to start of by apologising for my even more terrible spelling on the blog , looks like my key board is playing up so i miss letters and spaces ! Today we started out at Kanno koi farm up in Mushigame . We have many orders and requests for Kanno goshiki , so the intention was to fill these and anything else that we liked .Unfortuantely the goshiki wernt up as high a quality as we wanted  , so we will return to the other fish house again later this week , he has some there but very expensive ! While we were in the fish house i thought it rude to leave empty handed , so four nisai were selected , one maruten male , two sankes that had loveley skin and a kindai showa . While up in Mushigame i have alot of customers asking aout smaller go sanke , i know that Kazuto had some so off we went .On arrival he dd have some, 30-40cm and of very high quality . We selected many fine examples of tanchos , goshikik , sanke and kohaku . After this we went to the larger fish , amd altough resonably priced for Kazuto , we couldnt find the fish we were looking for . Quick egg sandwich and then onto Kawakami looking for goshki and Kujaku .One again pleny of nice koi around, but nothing we really wanted so off up to mushigame as Tanaka had harvested the bigger sanke . Hoping all the way up there , that this wasnt ajoke and she was really out ! I neednt have worried , she was out and looking superb ! She  looked great , body had really filled out and much moresumi was out . Very happy i can tell you , especially when he mentioned it was good enough for koi shows in Japan . Go sai and measured in a 70cm . Then we went at looked at afew smaller high qulity nisai , before i knew it we had bought two sakes to leave with Tanaka , to go to shows in the sping ! Also bought a stunning kohaku with amazing white , anda very nice sanke again good enough for koi shows , 33 ad 31cm respectivly and will be shipped  into the Uk soon . After that i looked a some more expensive kohkaus , ive bought a maruten oneto leave in Japan ,and the other one will be shipped  , four from Kanno , just four of th Kazuto fish , big sanke at Tanakas , two small sanke going to the koi show , kohaku andthe other  sanke will be shiped to  the uk soon ,two from tanaka , an extra one i am  still thinking about! 
