Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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Finally got some sleep last night , but when i awoke i realised that i really was ill and not burning the candles at both end ( still guilty of that though ! ) , So today ive really struggled to get through the day and ended up at Maruhiros with a one box of koi , then one rest and cup off coffee policy ! Everyone said it was the most relaxed and quiet ive ever been , i dont know what they mean ! So back to the koi , or rather not , before i left for Japan i recieved a phone call from Steve Gibbo , seemed that Oomo San had organised a coupe of little trophys for the Bkks national , and they where now stranded at the NND facility , no prblem Steve , leave it to me ! When we arrived at NND Oomo San was all over the place with big smiles and hand shakes and cries of thank you , thank you . Not being one to take advantage of a situation i thought well he seems like he is in a good mood , lets have a look at some koi , he had some jumbo tosai in two ponds , they were not high grade but certainly pretty enough , and bearing in mind theat the majority were sankes from Makoto Tanaka , i knew they would grow and could get people into the growing bug. So i asked the breeder and he said very cheap as a thank you , still thinking im doing the deals in Niigata , i accepted the price and both ponds were netted and we bought 32 jumbo tosai mainy sanke from 27cm to near on 40cm with a few showa . Feeling very pleased with myself and haveing a slight twinge of wondering why they were so cheap , Oomo San asked us into his office to collect the trophys and take pictures , all the time still laughing and still saying thank you , thanks you , i saw the trophys and then it dawned on me , i had really been dropped in it ! They were boxed up and stood nearly 4ft tall and when wrapped up they were nearly a foot square . Well i couldnt say no now could i , so i reckon someone , somehwere , and im looking at Gibbo and the rest f the BKKS owe me beer ! We laughed all the way up the mountain from NNDS facility , wondering how the hell i was going to get half way across Japan with two bags , standard issue of customers calenders and two bloody great big trophys ! , guess ill cross that bridge at 5.30am tomorrow . So from here we went to see Tanaka Maruju to collect our certificates for our speical offer , they were all done and looking good . From there i said my good byes and headed down to Maruhiro to look at some new koi he had brought in and a nice 60cm sanke .By now my eyes were streaming and every bit of my head and neck was hurting and it was as much as i culd do two take pics let alone catch up koi ! We caught up the koi he had offered us the night before , and they were evry nice , so some more tanchos , were bought including a tancho showa and tancho sanke . We then bowled up a ssnsai sanke which we looked at yesterday , and decieded it was too good to pass up on so it duly purchased along with a sansai kohaku around 55cm which will be left in Japan this summer . Then we had to take a few pics of some fish that i seemed to be missing the photos for , and it was time to draw a close on another succesfull trip to Niigata . Although feeling very porely , i was happy as this season we had been tp Japan three times , so fingers crossed for a busy season .................... 32 tosai from Oomo and Tanaka , 8 high grsde nisai from marahiro , sansai sanke around 63 cm , and 55cm kohaku staying in Japan one year . May be some more news ib the next couple days so log in again soon ...................
