Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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Thinking of a new pump ? Then look no further than the superfish eco e range . Proven track record in the uk , can run pump fed or gravity fed . 2 year warranty ! And if you ever get a problem , there is a pick up and replace service if you register the product when purchased . Why would you buy a cheaper pump ?? Here at Gatwick Koi we have the full range including the remote adjustable model , and for two weeks only we offer you some VERY special prices , and they all include delivery !! Eco e 5000 22 watts £109.95 Eco 8000 41 watts £114.95 Eco e 10 000 68 watts £125 Eco e 12 000 85 watts £135 Eco e 15 000 130 watts £ 139.95 . Dont forget all delivered free !
