Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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Got the monorail , train and bullet trian back to Nigata and arrived around 3 . Being picked up on a Saturday .i wasnt really expecting to ge any breeders so was pleasently surprised when i was informed that we were going straight to Maruhiro koi Fam . I know a few of you have met this breeder , and have your opinions of his sanity , in fact ive probably not helped by knick naming him mad monkey ! But this guys quality gets better every year , ive always bought there as i like the guy , and his prices are good .Nowadays my respect for him as a breeder grows and grows , his showa have done amazing things in the uk at shows in the last few years , along with his gin rn kohaku . Once again the quality seems to have goneup another notch , tonight we selected through some nice small nisai , and the some larger female nisai go sanke . Losing the light i was surprised to be told , id just selected nearly 20 koi ! Back tomorrow first thing to look a even higher quality nisai and sanke . A great day ended by a meal with Maruhiro where he was up to his usual antics , this time neary blowing us all up by not lighting up the burner for the soup amounst many other things including trying to teach all the restruant staff how to speak English ,especally the phrase okie dkie! First seven nisai are all female and 45-60cm frm Maruhiro koi farm . Nex 12 are all nisa from the same farm aroun 30-35cm
