Our next auction is on Sunday 23rd February. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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Woke up a little bit groggy today  ,

and would like to blame the altitude , jet lag , hot fish house , or may be , just may be , the red wine drunk with the steak last night , and then joining Tim Waddington and co for a quick guiness in the Irish bar , which then turned to another  , then another , etc etc etc ! But showered and hit the road , and was fine , just a combination of everything ! 

       first stop Shinoda , went up as our agent needed some doitsu , gin rin and hi utsuri for a client , and i also had a hi utsuri that won a gold medal at the young show in azukari . When we arrived , there were some doitsu available , so we bowled them up , and purchased some more . Some people have all ready commentated on how many non go sanke we are buying . All i can say is , its selling , and thats our business , and thats that  .

     From Shinoda , we went to Yagenji who had very little loi for sale , and then to Shinatro . He had many great go sanke for sale , his motto is maker of dreams  , and i could see that was easy to believe . We dont buy his high grade koi , thats not our business , but what we do is buy many resonable koi , at what he calls asda price . But it seems Asda doesnt open in Mushigame until spring , then we will return for tosai , and whats left of his nisai , that is affordabe to our customers . 

      We then went down the hill to Kawaguchi village to visit Tsuna , breeder of the finest kin ki usturi i have ever seen , but he had no nisai , so it was then on to Yamazaki . Some times you walk into a breeder and you are shocked , i was met by almost empty pond everywhere , Yamazaki are having a wonderfull season , and seem to be selling everything they harvest ! Long story short , i ended up with some nice small nisai , and then two female kin ki utusir around 55-60cm , and a male doitsu karashikoi , which was nothing less than superb .


       To be honest , we were then struggling for breeders to visit , so we rang Oozumi for selection of some small nisai 25cm , cheap and east to pack due to the size .WRONG ! His nisai were 30-35cm , and a few nice ones in the ponds . A deal was struck , and we ended up with kin showa , beni kikokoryu , doitssi metalic ochiba , and great kujaku that are bred by crossing kuhaku with goshiki , yuki asagi and many more . We have an option on some more koi , i need to think about over night . 

   Went for a box of higher quality nisai first .

Then it was time to call it a day , and head back to the hotel .


