Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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Most of this week the weather has been awful , raining every day , and one day it didnt stop for a single  minute .Today the weather was good to me , which im gratefull for as it was my last day . We started up the mountain to Mushigame to see if i could catch up with some of my azukari koi ( ones that were left in Japan ) . First stop was Sakai Yamamatsu , here we have three very expensive tosai growing on to be harvested this October as nisai .Not the news i was hoping for , they hadnt been harvested but Sakai said dont worry we are still draining the pond now and they will be very beautiful !  Still draining the pond ? well thats a good sign as they must be in quite a good mud pond , or so i hope.......lol . Rod and Diane were looking in the main nisai pond and found a very nice gin rin showa which was purchsed , and i found two goshikis that had a skin quality that was amazing , although male the quality was very high , so hand shakes all round and we were off . Next stop Tanaka to see a showa that we sold during the summer , i couldnt believe it had grown 6/7cm as yonsai , but the main thing was the body shape , it was awsome , a real battleship !!! The customer will be very happy with it ! A  quick visit to Nagashima to see if there were any showa of decent quality , unfortuantely i couldnt find anything i liked , but we were offered a nice pond of nice showa where we all caught up some koi and Stephano made up a very nice box for his Italian customers .Any last day wouldnt be complete without a visit to Yagenji , but this time there was nothing that jumped out at me , but saying that i bowled a massive 67cm showa that was very pretty , but with the shipping i couldnt make the price right , We were all thinking that we were  light on showa , so from Yagenji it was round to Hiroi for a look at some newly harvested koi . I like these guys koi , they have very nice showa and goshiki and gin rin ones as well , this time there ws nothing that i could find where price and quality met for me , there were some unbelievable koi there , and some lower grade as well , as i said i jiust couldnt find the right balance .After hiroi we tried to get to Mano and Iwashita but they were both busy , so a bowl of curried rice and then it was off to see Seitaro at the larger facility . Here i spent a long time catching a whole box of hi utsuris , Seitaro is very famous for these and the reds seem to be a lot darker than other breeders . After that time was running short and we looked at some bigger koi , Rod noticed a very nice sanke , the breeder said the price and it was very rensonable , i also bowled up a hi showa , that not being very high grade , had a certain atractiveness as the beni and sumi was so good , very strange koi , but i loved it , a deal was struck and the camera was taken out for the last time . I tried to see Maruhiro as he has a showa that we left last year , although i have seen it we diddnt measure and take any pictures , never mind the agent will do that after we have left . We came out of the building as the sun was setting over the mountain and it was a beautiful site , and a very fitting ending to another great trip . Photos in order...............Sakai Yamamatsu gin rin showa , two Sakai goshikis , Tanaka yonsai showa , nisai hi utsuris , showa and sanke from Seitaro .
