Our next auction is on Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th February , both at 8pm.
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Leaving the hotel and out onto the high way we came to our first stop Nogami. I have to say there where some nice kohku but i was desperate to see some showas, although the quality was there, nothing really jumped out at me, and this was felt amongst the group so nothing for us and off to kazuto to find a nice sansai sanke for one of the group. After much soul searching one was picked while everyone else just stood in awe at the serious quality of this guys koi. i think we are going back to look at the tategoi as most of the group may consider leaving one out there. Flying visits to maradoh, marasaka, hirasawa, all proved fruitless but had great koi just nothing shouting out loud. Just after lunch we went to visit mr hasegawa, he had stunning koi, and not to bad prices we saw excellant kohaku, then our agent pointed to a little 30cm male showa, its qualitys were excellant and was certainly show quality. Seeing a few other tasty little showa i saw a very good box of koi springing up, but before you could say "show qaulity" ron put his hand up and stated his intension to invoke the customers first rule and so it was good bye to said little showa and with that ron took one of the best other showa, so none for me again!!!!!!!!!!!! From here to jimbe where we priced up some nisai and sansai, our agent explained that how expensive jimbei koi are and we couldnt probably buy here, well one jumbo nisai sanke later and garys a happybunny, at nearly 60 cm not so expensive and one agent put in his place.

Before it got dark we thought we would visit hosakai once more, again the naisi were a little disappointing, but then he took us to a pond of sansai, what looked like nice quality, we got some prices but will return again tomorrow when it is light and the fish can be viewed correctly.

sansai kazuto sanke

nisai jimbei sanke
