Next auction Sunday 30th March. WE NOW TAKE PAYPAL Tamasaba and other Japanese goldfish now in stock.
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Today was a day we were catching up on things we needed to do, ie go back and look at good koi we had seen and make our minds up if still available. So with that in mind it was off to Torazo where one of our party had seen an amazing tategoi sanke, it was bowled and we looked at another one and then a couple of sansai, even more confused we left it and went to another breeder where someone wanted to look at another kohaku, got there kohaku was duly bowled and found to be male, so put back again, 50 mins out of our lives.

Two pics of Torazo koi farm, look at the quality of koi and water!!!!!

With everything going a miss we went to oofuchi main fish house, an amazing array of high class varietys but nothing for us. Then we popped in to the lower house and found nine sansai at bargain prices.

from here to yagenji (again) where one of the gang purchsed the gin rin kohaku he had been thinking about for a while now. In the bowl she was simply stunning and very imposing and was a good price to! so she was purchsed and will be shipped soon!

yagenji gin rin kohaku

It was then decided to return to torazo, roger bought his tategoi sanke, I bought mine and rod got him self into another mess by bowling another sansai sanke.

Roger and the owner of torazo

pic of my tatgoi sanke from torazo, but in bringing ths back.

last stop of the day was izumiya to pick up some yamabuki ogons, 2 male for ron, 2 female for me and one for rod. And one little sanke, starter for ten, postcards only, whats that sumi called????? well thats the end of the best day for me, everybody got a koi they were looking for, Roger over the moon with his torazo sanke, rod pleased with the kohaku, me? well finding that atarshi sumi sanke and buying a 4th tategoi at torazo.
