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A058 Auction koi- please read the notes in the description.

Variety: Shiro Utsuri
Breeder: Omosako
Size: Approx 38-40cm
Sex: Unsexed
Age: Nisai
Azukari: No
Quarantine Status: Completed

Winning Bid: £295.00

Item condition:


Super quality shiro utsuri from this very famous farm. Great skin quality, and more sumi has come through since this picture and sumi in both pecks. This koi will come with a breeders certificate, and is ready for collection or shipping, or can be left here until it is warmer at an extra £25. PLEASE NOTE : Koi can shipped at a cost of £30 per box, up to 5 koi this size can go in one box. PLEASE BE AWARE IF SOMEONE BIDS IN THE LAST MINUTE OR SO, THE AUCTION WILL RESET FOR A FURTHER TWO MINUTES. WE ARE AWARE OF A PROBLEM AT THE END OF THE AUCTIONS, SOMETIMES YOU MAY SEE END OF AUCTION POP UP, THIS MANY NOT BE THE CASE, PLEASE WAIT FOR TEN SECONDS, AS IT SEEMS SOMETIMES IF SOME ONE BIDS LAST SECOND, OR HAS AN AUTO BID ON, THE AUCTION ISNT FINISHED AND WILL REST FOR TWO MINUTES.

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: *******

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
******* 29/01/2023 8:07 PM £295.00
******* 29/01/2023 8:07 PM £285.00 Auto
******* 29/01/2023 8:05 PM £280.00 Auto
******* 29/01/2023 8:05 PM £270.00
******* 29/01/2023 5:46 PM £230.00
******* 29/01/2023 4:50 PM £220.00
******* 29/01/2023 9:12 AM £210.00
******* 27/01/2023 4:26 PM £200.00
******* 27/01/2023 2:03 PM £190.00
******* 27/01/2023 11:32 AM £180.00
Auction started 26/01/2023 2:33 PM

Private Message Gatwick Koi
